Friday, February 24, 2012

First long run!

Now that I am back on the bandwagon of running I have been loving it!! I can't believe I stopped running, to be honest I am not sure why I even stopped?? OH WAIT!! I remember!! I was stuck in a blizzard haha! Oh good ole iceburg, I mean rexburg. Its hard to run in 10 degree weather, it just hurts my lungs.

I heart cholula!

 Anyways I felt really great about my run today. I was surprised that my pace was so good, since I haven't really been running, probably over 6 months. I ran 10 miles today, my pace was 9:04, not to bad eh? I am pretty excited! Here is what I ate after my run today and I am pretty sure it's one of my most favorite breakfast's.... maybe..... well actually I really love a good smoothie or oatmeal..... so really I just love a lot of things and this happens to be the things I currently love the most.

It's super easy.
  • 1tbs olive oil
  • 1 egg
  • 1/2 cup egg whites
  • onions
  • zucchini
  • artichoke hearts
  • garlic pepper
    1. start up your pan add the olive oil and cut up onions, to your liking. For a couple of mins
    2. Add zucchini again to your liking, I like to cut mine in half. Once everything is browned add the artichoke hearts and garlic pepper
    3. Add the egg and egg whites and just stur till everything is cook
    4. eat and enjoy a high protein mean with lots of veggies. It's good that you try and get veggies into our meals. I feel veggies are the hardest, yet the most important food that we can eat.

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